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Q: Was there really someone named Rose Dawson?
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Was there really someone on the Titanic named Rose?

Possibly but not the same Rose in the movie.

Is jack dawson and rose dawson real?

there will be people in the world with that name but not people who were on the titanic, although there was someone named joseph dawson who died on the titanic and on his gravestone it is marked as J.Dawson

Was there a man on the boat titanic also was there a women named Rose Dawson on the boat as well?

well no but theres was ruth rose becker who was the person they made as rose dawson

How old is rose dawson in 2010?

Rose DeWitt Bukater is a fiction character. However if she was real she would most likely be dead. Jack Dawson is also a fictional character, but there was a crew member named Joseph Dawson.

Was there really a rose and Jack on the titanic?

no there wasnt a rose and jack but there were people on board that were similar to them.

What was the real Rose's name on the Titanic?

Rose DeWitt Bukater is fictional. So is Jack Dawson, although, after he finished writing the screenplay, James Cameron discovered that there was a man named Joseph Dawson who died aboard the Titanic. His gravestone reads, "J. Dawson." Rose's mother was based off of Jack Thayer's mother.

What is Rose Dawson's middle name?

Rose's full name is: Rosalita Jayne Dawson

Were is rose dawson?

Rose Dawson isn't real, Jack and Rose and all of her family were fictional characters.

Was rose dawson a fictional character?

Yes, Rose and Jack Dawson were both fictional characters.

Where did Jack Dawson and rose Dawson die?

Jack died in the ocean and rose died in her bed at the end

In the movie Titanic was Rose Dawson Calvert real?

No, Rose Dawson Calvert is a fictional character created for the movie.

Was Jack Dawson a real person?

There was no real Jack Dawson on the Titanic. Nor was there any real Rose Dewitt Bukater. Jack and Rose are fictional characters created by James Cameron.There was a man named Joseph Dawson who died aboard the Titanic. His gravestone bears the inscription "J. Dawson." However, James Cameron did not know that he existed until AFTER he wrote the Titanic screenplay. He did not base the Jack character on this J. Dawson person.