

Was there ever anything original

Updated: 10/25/2022
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13y ago

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Things that could be considered "original", in the context of the first thought of/about a topic, a problem, a human need, a solution to an everyday issue. As examples, consider the following:

  • Every invention is based on an original idea. However, the first person to come up with an idea is not always the person who succeeds in getting a patent or in developing the item in it's most-used form. The telephone (concept, invention) is not known by the person's name who originally came up with the idea.
  • Music in certain contexts are each original. Musical notes are re-used a million ways, but the arrangement, lyrics, meaning, etc. are all original. Consider the Songs written in Psalms... to the music of 1700s colonial America... to the vocals of African slaves on plantations pre-Civil War... to the changes in music even during the last 50 years. Melodies, choruses, arrangements, etc. all differ, even though music itself and the human need to express oneself through singing is as old as cave men times.
  • Cave men also show us how much that Art contributed to communication and expression. When a Cave Man drew his fierce fight against a large animal, resulting in the cave man's victory, it might express everything from fear, awe, to pride in his own strength. While Art may not seem very original, each piece of art--whether a tattoo on someone's skin or a massive masterpiece on a huge canvas--is an "original" expression or communication.
  • Technology-wise, The internet is an example of original thought and development. Some may argue this, saying that more than one person contributed to the idea of "an electronic communication system", but, just because several people had an idea or contributed to an idea does not mean the concept is not original. In fact, in most companies, teams work together to generate and develop ideas and the company-- not the employees-- take credit for the new product or idea. Without these teams, we'd have no "cell phones", or "Apps" or video/file sharing, etc.
  • Many times people confuse the idea of "original" and "evolving" or "transforming". For example, many people might say a mountain is an original land mass. But that is not true. Landforms are continually changing, transforming into something else "original" for that location. Even our continents have not and are not staying as they were originally. From Panagea, land split up. And even today, the plates under oceans continue to widen, pushing continents toward or away from each other.
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