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There is currently a blonde, white English woman in Skegness, England who claims to be a "native American medicine woman" descended from a Lakota chief "Big Cloud", the "elder brother of Rain in your Face". All of this is pure fantasy and this woman is delusional.

A character named "Joe Big Cloud" appears in a little-known book by Tony Bender (The Last Ghost Dancer), but again this is pure fiction, not fact.

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Q: Was there ever a north american indian chief called Big Cloud?
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What movie and television projects has Big Moon been in?

Big Moon has: Played Lone Wolf in "The Coming of Lone Wolf" in 1914. Played Chief Lone Pine in "Kidnapped by Indians" in 1914. Played Chief Red Eagle in "The Indian Agent" in 1914. Played Awatobi - the Hopi Chief in "The Fuse of Death" in 1914. Played Chief White Eagle in "The Redskins and the Renegades" in 1914. Played White Cloud - the Shoshone Chief in "The Navajo Blanket" in 1914. Played Storm Cloud - an Indian Chief in "Indian Blood" in 1914.

When was Cloud-Chief created?

Cloud-Chief was created in 1910.

What is a native Indian chief woman called?

A squaw?

What does the Indian chief say in yiddish?

"Indian chief" typically refers to Native American tribal leaders, not Indian as in from India. Yiddish is a Jewish language. It is unlikely for an Indian chief to speak Yiddish, as they would likely speak one of the indigenous languages of their tribe.

Who is the most famous Indian chief?

There isn't one. There are hundreds of famous chiefs depending upon the tribe you are speaking about. For instance, there was Cochise, Uncas, Chief Joseph, Tecumseh, Red Cloud to name just a few.

What did the Native American Chief Red Cloud need?

Funds to build a school for the children of his people.

An Indian chief in Iowa?

Iowa's nickname is "The Hawkeye State" as a tribute to Indian leader chief Black Hawk, leader of the native American Sauk tribe.

Who was Chief Moses?

Chief Moses was a Native American Indian Chief. He was born in 1825 and died in 1899. He was the Chief of the Sinkiuse-Columbia tribe in the state of Washington.

What do native American chiefs wear on their head?

A chief Indian wears pants and a vest like other Indian's. You can tell who the chief is by what is on his head. The chief wears an Indian headdress that hangs to the floor. The headdress is colorful and has feathers that line the border.