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Q: Was the tokugawa shogunate a type of military government?
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Was a Tokugawa shogunate a type of military government?


The Tokugawa shogunate was a type of?

military governmentFCPS#5 C

What is shogunate?

A Shogunate, or Bakufu, is a type of military government that is ruled by a Shogun. Throughout Japan's history, there have been 3 Bakufu. They are; Kamakura Bakufu (1192-1333), Muromachi (Ashikaga) Bakufu (1336-1573), and the Tokugawa (Edo) Bakufu (1600-1868).

What are shoguns?

A Shogunate, or Bakufu, is a type of military government that is ruled by a Shogun. Throughout Japan's history, there have been 3 Bakufu. They are; Kamakura Bakufu (1192-1333), Muromachi (Ashikaga) Bakufu (1336-1573), and the Tokugawa (Edo) Bakufu (1600-1868).

Who ruled Japan after the emperors?

The Kamakura shogunate ruled Japan after the emperors power declined. The Kamakura shogunate was a type of feudal military government.

Who ruled Japan after the emperors declined?

The Kamakura shogunate ruled Japan after the emperors power declined. The Kamakura shogunate was a type of feudal military government.

1 What type of government did Japan have before 1853?

Isolated from the world

Who ruled Japan after the emperors' power declined?

Local lords became increasingly independent and power devolved to local warriors(samurai).

Who was the emperor of feudal japan?

answer The supreme leader in feudal Japan were the Shogun, they were like a type of military dictator.

How did yoritomo come to power?

Minamoto Yoritomo established the first bakufu, or military government in Japan. This type of government would rule Japan for the better part of 6 centuries.

What type of government was the Bakufu government?

Japanese military commander

What type of government does Berma Have?

Military style.