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Q: Was the soviet union a british ally in world war 2?
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Hitler betrayed his ally, the Soviet Union.

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Fidel Castro was a Cuban leader and communist ally of the Soviet Union.

Who was a big ally of the US?

Soviet Union

Suppose There Is A Country In Economic Ruin After World War 2 It Is Seeking Monetary Aid From A World Superpower The country supports a command economy and oppose democracy what is the most likely to?

Become an ally of the soviet union-----APEX

Did Serbia have an army in World War 1?

yes it did, it also had a very strong ally, the soviet union

Who was the US chief ally during World War 2?

Great Britian, Soviet Union, France

Who are all the ally countries in world war 2?

The United States, Great Britan, and The Soviet Union

What problem faced by Germany during World War 1 did Hitler want to avoid by having the Soviet Union as an ally?

Hitler didn't want to have to fight on two fronts simultaneously. With the Soviet Union as an ally, he'd have that side of Europe "safe" from attack. Hitler wanted the soviet union as an ally because they had a bigger army and he wanted help from them to fight off the other countries that were attacking him.

What nation was an ally of the United states during world war 2?

Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and France

What is the country most likely to do?

Answer this question… Become an ally of the Soviet Union

Why did the wartime alliances between the allies fall apart after World War 2?

Because the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism, but the Americans did not want that so they stopped being the Soviet Union's ally.

What did The US feared that Communist China would ally itself with the?

Soviet Union