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Q: Was the original statue of liberty a black woman's face?
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On a question and answer program on tv the following question was where did the Original Statue of Liberty come from The answer was from a country in North Africa Is this true?

the 'original' statue is a small black woman with a torch now located in frace

Why does the Statue of Liberty have a black face?

Liberty Enlightening the World (the actual name of the "Statue of Liberty") does not have a black face, she has a green face.She doesn't have "black" features either. She's modeled at least partially after the sculptor's mother, who was not black.

Was the Statue of Liberty given to US on behalf of the black soldiers who fought in the war?

No. the Statue of Liberty was given to the US by the Nation of France. The statue was dedicated in 1886.

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Is lady liberty a slave?

yes the original Statue of Libertyis a slave. However there was a difference, the statue in France is Black. The Statue of Liberty was originally a Black woman, but, as memory serves, it was because the model was Black.In a book called "The Journey of The Songhai People", according to Dr. Jim Haskins, a member of the National Education Advisory Committee of the Liberty-Ellis Island Committee, professor of English at the University of Florida, and prolific Black author, points out that what stimulated the original idea for that 151 foot statue in the harbor.He says thats what stimulated the idea for the creation of the statue initially was the part that Black soldiers played in the ending of Black African Bondage in the United States. It was created in the mind of the French historian Edourd de Laboulaye, chairman of the French Anti-Slavery Society, who, together with sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi,proposed to the French government that the people of France present to the people of the United States through the American Abolitionist Society, the gift of a Statue of Liberty in recognition of the fact that Black soldiers won the Civil War in the United States.It was widely known then that it was Black soldiers who played the pivotal role in winning the war, and this gift would be a tribute to their prowess. Suzanne Nakasian, director of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island Foundations' National Ethnic Campaign said that the Black Americans' direct connection to Lady Liberty is unknown to the majority of Americans, BLACK or WHITE.When the statue was presented to the U.S. Minister to France in 1884, it is said that he remonstrated that the dominant view of the broken hackles would be offensive to a U.S. South, because since the statue was a reminder of Blacks winning their freedom. It was a reminder to a beaten South of the ones who caused their defeat, their despised former captives.Documents of Proof:1.) You may go and see the original model of the Statue of Liberty, with the broken chains at her feet and in her left hand. Go to the Museum of the City of NY, Fifth Avenue and 103rd Street write to Peter Simians and he can send you some documentation.2.) Check with the N.Y. Times magazine, part II_May 18, 1986. Read the article by Laboulaye.3.) The dark original face of the Statue of Liberty can be seen in the N.Y. Post, June 17, 1986, also the Post stated the reason for the broken chains at her feet.4.) Finally, you may check with the French Mission or the French Embassy at the U.N. or in Washington, D.C. and ask for some original French material on the Statue of Liberty, including the Bartholdi original model.

Why did the white people of the US send the black Statue of Liberty back?

Aside from this question being 100% racist, it is also 100% incorrect. There was and is only one Statue Of Liberty. It was a gift from France and stands on Liberty Island in NY Hrabor.

Was the first statue of liberty a black women?

Yes it was The face was changed after the United States complained about race of the statue. She had chains on her arms to represent slavery. The statue repersented slavery at first.

When was the black Statue of Liberty built and where can you find it?

The Statue of Liberty is a wonderful monument. It is located on Ellis Island, in the New York Harbor, of the state New York.

What US statue was damaged in World War 1 by sabotage?

The Statue of Liberty was damaged by shrapnel in The Black Tom explosion at Jersey City, NJ in 1916.

How do you get the statue moshling on moshi monsters?

061 Liberty the Happy Statue [Worldie] Black Love Berries, Red Love Berries, any Love Berries