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No, the Normans were better known for the native Merovingian culture.

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Q: Was the normans better known as saints?
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What is the name of the nation known as today when the normans invaded England in 1066?

The nation that the Normans came from is known as France today and the nation that they invaded is now known as Britain or United Kingdom (UK).

What is the name given for the worship of many saints?

First off, saints are not worshiped, they are venerated or honored. Only God receives worship. The Catholic Litany of Saints is a lengthy prayer that honors many of the better known saints.

Why is saints better than the colts?

saints are better because saints beat colts in the super bowl.

Who ruled the Normans?

The ruler of the Normans was Duke William II. He was later known as William the Conqueror after his defeat of Harold Godwinson in 1066.

Were the Scandinavians known as Normans before 6th century AD?

No. They were known as the Norse, or Norsemen.

Who led the Normans who defeated the English Saxons at the Battle of Hastings?

William of Normandy, also known as "William the Conqueror," led the Normans in that battle.

Are the eagles better than the saints?

No the eagles do not have better stats than the saints so no!

How did the Normans change Britain by building motte and bailey castles?

because the English would of be defeated. The Normans built castles better than us

Who is St. Patrick and why does he get a special day?

St. Patrick was the person who converted Ireland to Christianity. All known saints have a feast day each year. St. Patrick just happens to be better known than most other saints.

Who won the Norman conquest?

William of Normandy, commonly known as William the Conquerer.

Is saints row cool?

saints row customization is cool also has a better story line then gta. saints row 3 will be better