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No, Enrico Fermi constructed and operated the first nuclear reactor (CP-1) in 1942. Several larger nuclear reactors were needed first to make the plutonium for the MK-3 Fatman atomic bomb, which was not tested until 1945. Their principles of operation are quite different, except that both operate by nuclear chain reaction.

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Q: Was the knowledge from atom bomb used to make a nuclear reactor?
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How do you differentiate production of energy in an atom bomb and a nuclear reactor?

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What are the negatives about using Nuclear Energy?

This is not correct. Assuming "Using Nuclear Energy" means using it to generate electricity in a reactor. A nuclear reactor is a power plant, that uses nuclear fission to eventually generate electricity. An atom bomb also uses nuclear fission to generate energy causing an explosion. However, due to fundamental differences between the two a nuclear reactor cannot explode like an atom bomb.

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atom bomb, nuclear power plant, breedor reactor If you found this helpful please click trust below

What is the difference between the nuclear reactions in a nuclear reactor and those in an atomic bomb?

Nuclear reactions in a nuclear reactor are controlled reactions. The reactions in the atomic bomb are not controlled reactions

Introduction of nuclear fission and fission?

It is a process, in which a heavy nucleus is broken down in to two or more medium heavy fragments. It is used in nuclear reactor and atom bomb.

Can a nuclear reactor explode as a nuclear bomb?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot explode like a nuclear bomb. The design and process within a nuclear reactor are different from those in a nuclear bomb. In a reactor, the control systems prevent the conditions needed for a nuclear explosion to occur.

Can a nuclear reactor detonate the way a nuclear bomb can?

No, a nuclear reactor cannot detonate like a nuclear bomb. Nuclear reactors use controlled fission reactions to generate heat for electricity, while nuclear bombs use uncontrolled chain reactions to create an explosion. The design and purpose of a reactor prevent it from causing a nuclear explosion.

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Who is author of nuclear reactor time bomb?

The "nuclear reactor time bomb" theory was popularized by author and scientist Amory Lovins in the 1970s. Lovins argued that nuclear reactors posed safety risks and could lead to catastrophic accidents or intentional sabotage, likening them to a ticking time bomb.