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Yes, Henry Sampson is the inventor of the cellphone.

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Q: Was the inventor of the cell phone African American?
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Information on Dr Martin Cooper?

he is a African American inventor because he invented the stove and he also invented the cell phone.

What did Henry T Sampson do to become a famous African American?

he invented the first cell phone

Who was the first African American to invent a cell phone?

Actually you are entirely wrong. the inventor is Dr. Martin Cooper (Motorola 1973) idealized by rival Joel Engal (1947). Both are white. Often inventions claimed by African Americans are sensationalized.

Who is the inventor of cell phone games?

Henry Sampson

Who was the first person to create the cell phone?

Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

Was martin cooper inventor of the cell phone Jewish?


Who invented the Samsung E250 cell phone?

Samsung is the inventor of the Samsung E250 cell phone. The Samsung E250 phone was introduced in the UK in 2007.

Who are randice-Lisa altschul's parents?

No, information is known about Randi Altschul's family. Randi Altschul is an American inventor, she invented the first disposable cell phone.

Was Henry T Sampson inventor of the cell phone and GT Sampson inventor of the clothes dryer related?

Henry Sampson didn't invent the cellular phone, a man by the name of Martin Cooper did. Henry Sampson did invent the PHOTO ELECTRIC CELL, which has nothing in common with the cell phone.

Is Martin cooper a inventor?

Yes. Martin Cooper invented the cell phone.

What is Martin Cooper's full name?

Martin Cooper is an American inventor that developed the first cell phone. There is no information about his middle name but he commonly used the nickname Marty.

Why do African American babies have sickle cell?

Not all African American babies have sickle cell anemia. It must be inherited for an African American (usually male) to develop the condition.