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The House of Burgesses was the legislative body of the Virginia Colony. It was part of the government, not a company of any kind.

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Q: Was the house of burgesses the main tobacco company of the Virginia colony?
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What colonial region contained the House of Burgesses?

The House of Burgesses was established by the Virginia Company to operate in its eponymous colony.

What was the name of the Virginia colony's first government?

Virginia House of Burgesses

How did the Virginia Company make money from the colony at Jamestown?

The Virginia Company made money from growing and selling tobacco.

Had first elected law making body house of burgesses?

The Virginia Colony established the House of Burgesses, which was the first elective governing body in a British colony in 1619.

What was the legislature of the Virginia colony called?

The House of Burgesses.

What was The House of Burgesses established in 1619 by Jamestown colonists?

A representative government for the colony

Which Colony established the House of Burgesses in 1619?

Virginia of course! It's where Jefferson came from too. Read the book: a short history of the united states. It's in the first 30 pages that explains the three types of colonies in the 1600s: proprietary, etc.

How did Jamestown colony make money for Virginia company?

they made money by selling tobacco.

What colony did the house of burgesses form the first representative gonvernment?

The colony of Virginia had the house of burgesses and it was the first Representative house of Parliament in the America's

The first legislative assembly was set up in which colony?

It's Virginia.The first legislative assembly was in Jamestown Virginia. This was an English colony.

What three changes happened in Jamestown in 1619?

The first was the addition of women to the colony, the second was the need for more help to cultivate (improve) and harvest the tobacco, the third was the Virginia House of Burgesses was started. also a shipment of slaves arrived

What products were used in the Virginia colony?
