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The American Revolution was fought for many reasons. Reasons that may be found in the Pre-Amble and those words echoed across the Atlantic to a folly of a King only to be heard by deaf ears. Militarism, economic hardship, unfair taxation and a government that was unable to properly function may all be listed as a few seeds to the American Revolution. And look how times have changed.

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Q: Was the declaration of independence the main driving force for the American war of independence or were there other factors?
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In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was influenced by the political philosophy of the Enlightenment, and notably by John Locke (1632-1704). Locke used the phrase "life, liberty, and property" Which was found in the Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776) written by George Mason. Other important influences may have been Richard Cumberland, Gottfried Leibniz, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Montesquieu.

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Why did the us revolution happen?

Many factors, but mostly from the United Kingdom's that the colonies had no say in governing themselves so far as Parliament goes. I invite you to read the Declaration of Independence, it is pretty short and it lists the reasons.

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By 1819, most of Spain's Latin American colonies had begun their fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule. This movement towards independence was fueled by various factors including political and economic discontent, as well as inspiration from the ideals of the Enlightenment and the success of other independence movements around the world.

How do countries declare independence?

Countries typically declare independence by issuing a formal declaration or proclamation stating their intention to become a sovereign nation separate from their current governing authority. This declaration is often accompanied by various diplomatic efforts to gain international recognition as an independent state. Ultimately, achieving independence depends on factors such as the will of the people, support from other nations, and possibly a process of negotiation or conflict with the current ruling power.

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What factors moved the colonies to declare independence after the war began?

they had just gotten rid of King George III who had taken too much power and they did not want that to happen again so they decided to write the Bill of Rights which they then put into the Declaration of Independence so the other eight colonies would vote for it to become the nation's conctitustion.

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