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The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

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11y ago

The epidemic that we call the Black Death or the Black Plague occurred well after the fall of Rome in Medieval times. However ancient Rome did have several outbreaks of plague and it was one of the reasons that he wealthy liked to get out of the city during the heat of the summer.

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Did the black plague decrease Rome's population?

yes it did yes it did

Is the black death AD or BC in ancient Rome?

The plague known as the Black Death was a medieval disease and, as far as we know, was not in any way connected to ancient Rome. Ancient Rome did have outbreaks of plague from time to time, but there is not enough evidence to say weather it was the Black Death or not. To answer your question, the Black Death was AD.

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Lots of people, poor sanitation, and utter ignorance.

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Because of a plague that killed one tenth of the population. Also Christianity helped it fall also by making Rome peaceful.

What Was another name for bubonic plague?

Another name for the plague is the black death

What did they call the black plague back then?

Black plague

What diseases did you get if you got the black plague?

the black plague

How Constantinople Hamburg London Paris and Rome what was common of these locations how might it affect life in medieval Europe?

Plague. Black Death.

Is black plague infectious?

The Black Plague is a infectious disease.

What specific disease was the plague in 1593-1594?

That fateful year saw the world's population enduring what is believed to be a recurrence of the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death or the Black Plague. It is further widely believed that the Black Death was responsible for the deaths of 38,000 Londoners that year.

What is the real common name for plague?

The common name for bubonic plague is the Black Death.