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This is a confusion of notions: typically "the allies" refers to WWII while "central powers" refers to WWI.

Before WWI Germany made the triple-alliance with Italy and Austria-Hungary.

Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire joined the alliance, against the Entente with UK, France and Russia. Other countries like Romania and Japan joined the Entente too.

When Italy swapped sides in 1915, the remainder of the German war alliance was called the central powers. The United States entered the war first in 1917, after unprovoked naval attacks, fighting with the Entente against the central powers in the last year of the war.

In WWII the term "the allies" was used about those fighting with the UK against the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan, with their collaborators). When USA entered the war in 1941, Soviet already had swapped sides leaving the pact with Hitler. At that time it was basically the the British commonwealth and Soviet against the Axis.

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Q: Was the Us in the Central Powers or the allies?
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The Allies (France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, England and later the US were some major countries) and the Central Powers (Germany, The Ottoman Empire and Austria -Hungary) :)

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