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Yes. Remember that it was war. Japan had attacked U.S. interests in Pearl Harbor, had taken control of most of the pacific islands, ruthlessly attacked the people of China and had openly expressed their belief that because of our genetic "impurity", the people of the United States would not be able to endure the kind of war that the United States would see from the Japanese military. Although Japan's attempts to attack the mainland USA were effectively defeated, Japanese leaders did succeed in one incident of killing U.S. children by putting bombs on small weather baloons. After the U.S. and our allies had defeated Japanese troops on all of the other Pacific Islands, the Japanese imperial leadership insisted on maintaining complete control over the government. The USA and our allies decided that the only way to avoid such further umprovoked attacks was to force Japan into surrender. Japan had prepared every citizen to fight back an invasion of Japan using conventional forces. Bombing was the only way to stop the agression of Japanese leaders. Japanese nobility felt that they were divinly appointed to the position and that their God would not only help them in their endeavor but that it was their responsibility to take over all of the Pacific Islands.

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18y ago
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9y ago

No, though it all depends on opinion. We do not have a correct answer to if the US was or was not right to, but due to studying on this, it would have been better to have not bombed Japan. Even if they had, they could have waited a few more days, or even weeks to bomb Nagasaki. The Japanese were trying to end the war one day before the bombing of Nagasaki. The US were Navy, that were warned. They should have been prepared. The Japanese cities were innocent cities. If US was not worried so much about the bombs, and tried to end the war civilly, then the war would have ended in a much more peaceful way. We will never know due to the fact that the bombing happened. IF the bombing didn't happen, would Japan have surrendered in a civil way a few weeks later? We may never know. But dropping that bomb is not justifiable.

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12y ago


All Across Japan: 1942-1945, with major cities including Tokyo-Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, and Nagoya among many other smaller ones.

Atomic Bombings

Hiroshima, Japan: August 6, 1945

Nagasaki, Japan: August 9, 1945

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14y ago

Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945.

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14y ago

Convensional bombing took place throughout the entirety of mainland Japan.

Nuclear bombings took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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13y ago

Well the Japinese where allies to us in World War 1 but because we had a huge ship yard they thought also because we were giving the british and french weapons they bombed us

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13y ago

Yes; initially the Doolittle Raid.

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Who did the US bomb with the atomic bomb?

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan ; another on Nagasaki, Japan, 3 days later.

When did us drop atomic bomb on japan?

The US dropped the atomic bomb (the little boy) on japan, on the 6th of august in 1945.

What new type of bomb us dropped on japan?

little boy and fat man they dropped the newly created atomic bomb on japan

Which city in Japan did the US drop the atomic bomb?


Who did the US use the Atomic Bomb against?

Against the Axis powers, of which Japan was part of. (The Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan). The emperor of Japan at the time was Hirohito, and Hitler was in control of Germany and Europe.

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The US dropped the atomic bomb onto Japan on August 1945.

Why did us drop bomb on japan?

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Who did the US bomb with the atomic bomb?

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan ; another on Nagasaki, Japan, 3 days later.

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When did us drop atomic bomb on japan?

The US dropped the atomic bomb (the little boy) on japan, on the 6th of august in 1945.

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Why Japan droping bomb at USA?

The us had stopped trade with japan. Also us was helping great Britain