

Best Answer

Yes. The Sumerian cuniform dates back to 3300bc whereas thr Akkadian variant didn't make an appearance until 2600 bc. Akkadian did ultimately replace Sumerian as the dominant spoken language but Sumerian was still used for cerimonious purposes but was basically gone from historic record by 1 ad.


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Q: Was the Sumerian civilization older than the Akkadian?
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What did the Harappans borrow from other religion?

Harappan civilization is more ancient than the Aryan civilization. Definitely they would have practiced a different religion than the vedic Hindu religion. It is similar to the Sumerian civilization. One cannot find out the religion practised by them as no texts are available. Any speculation can only be a guess.

Where did the harappan civilization begin?

Harappan civilization began in Punjab which is presently in Pakistan.

What did the romans have that barbarians didn't have?

The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.The Romans ad a more advanced civilization than the barbarians.

Who is older Julius Caesar or tutankharmen?

Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.Tut is older than Caesar by about 1,200 years.

Why do we know more about the Aztec than the Maya?

The Maya civilization fell much sooner than Aztec civilization.

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Cuneiform was used to write several languages in the ancient Near East, including Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian. Overall, cuneiform was used to write more than a dozen languages.

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How did Sargon win loyalty within the akkadian empire?

Thus, Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom, rather than Sumerian, the Semitic tongue known as Akkadian was natural from birth, although some earlier kings with Semitic names are recorded in the Sumerian king list. Victory was ensured, however, only by numerous battles, since each city hoped to regain its independence from Lugalzaggisi without submitting to the new overlord.

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How did the Sumerian affect Sumerian society?answer: Throughout the 19th century CE, European archaeologists descended on the Near East in search of ancient cities, tombs, and artifacts. None of these went to Mesopotamia to look for Sumerian cities because no one knew the civilization had ever existed – they were looking to excavate sites mentioned in the Bible such as Babylon and Nineveh and a mysterious place called Shinar – but they found much more than they were expecting.

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