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yes it was the 7th colony.

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Q: Was the New Hampshire 7th Colony?
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What two other colonies were different then the New Hampshire colony?

There are two colonies that are the same. The two colonies that are the same are American colony and New Hampshire colony.

What was an important event that happened in the fourth colony New Hampshire?

the 4th colony is not New Hampshire its New York!

Did New Hampshire have a flag when they were just a colony?

The colony of New Hampshire did not officially adopt a flag until 1909. New Hampshire became a state on June 21, 1788, therefore by the time they adopted a flag, New Hampshire was already a state. Instead of a flag, the colony of New Hampshire did adopt a seal.

Why was Rye important to the New Hampshire colony?

To New Hampshire, rye was important to brew beer. New Hampshire colony's very livelihood depended on the production and distribution of beer.

Was the Colony of New Hampshire Slave or Free when founded?

New Hampshire was a free state.

Related questions

When did New Hampshire become a colony?

November 7th, 1623. It was founded by John Mason.

What religion was in new hampshire colony?

The New Hampshire Colony was mainly Puritan.

Where there any problems between the New Hampshire colony and the New York colony?

No, there was no problem between the Colony of New Hampshire and the colony of New York.

What two other colonies were different then the New Hampshire colony?

There are two colonies that are the same. The two colonies that are the same are American colony and New Hampshire colony.

What was an important event that happened in the fourth colony New Hampshire?

the 4th colony is not New Hampshire its New York!

What is the colony for New Hampshire?

New Hampshire was one of the 13 colonies.

What types of charter did New Hampshire have?

New Hampshire began as a proprietary colony and later was converted to a royal colony.

What was the natural resources of the colony New Hampshire?

Were not a colony.

Did New Hampshire have a flag when they were just a colony?

The colony of New Hampshire did not officially adopt a flag until 1909. New Hampshire became a state on June 21, 1788, therefore by the time they adopted a flag, New Hampshire was already a state. Instead of a flag, the colony of New Hampshire did adopt a seal.

What two colonies were the same as the new hampshire colony?

The two colonies that were the same as the New Hampshire colony was Massachusetts and Vermont.

What is an fact for New Hampshire?

Vermont used to be part of New Hampshire when it was a colony.

What colony was founded in 1623?

New Hampshire and Maine.