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Q: Was the Compromise of 1850 really more like an armistice or a ceasefire. Explain.?
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There aren't three reasons why it ended. There is really only one. The United Nations proposed and re-proposed and re-proposed a ceasefire. After eight years of fighting, both sides were exhausted and decided to accept a United Nations negotiated armistice.

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Veteran's Day was originally called "Armistice Day".

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Yes it was. Because it settled the New Jersey and Virginia plan. =]

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Armistice Day is not really celebrated it is just remembering those who left their lives to fight for the country. Veterans wear their medals. There are ceremonies at many National and local cemeteries.

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there wasnt 1 there really wasnt 1. they just fought

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Compromise. Make him feel as though you are really worth his time.

Was the Compromise of 1850 a good solution?

No not really because both sides got what they wanted.

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someone needs to really answer this!!!! Love, Brionna Cruz

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compromise is kind of like settling an argument Perhaps, Maddie didnt want to buy any poptarts because they were not on sale. But James really wanted to. So they made a compromise........Maddie would buy them but James had to pay half the price. Get it?

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It really depends on what the complete sentence.

What attempts were made to resolve the conflict peacefylly during the Vietnam War?

The Paris Peace Accord was signed in January 1973, declaring a ceasefire throughout Vietnam, POWs exchanged and American withdrawal from Vietnam. However, peace wasn't really achieved because North and South Vietnam ignored the ceasefire and continued to fight each other and the communists took over South Vietnam in 1975.