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Many gasses were used during World War Two. The use of Gasses was more popular in WWI however they were used in WW2 as well. Gasses used in direct combat are various nerve gasses, mustard gas, cyanide, carbon monoxide and cyanogens chloride. However Hitler also employed the use of ZyclonB to kill people in Gas Chambers.

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No , Poison Gas was never used on the scale that was seen during WW1 .

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Q: Was poison gas used in WW2?
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Is poison gas still used today?

poison gas is no longer allowed in warfare.

Who didn't use poison gas in world war 1?

In the beginning of the war, only the Axis used poison gas (mustard gas was the first kind to be used), but by the end of the war, both sides used poison gas as a weapon.

What was the poison gas called that was used in World War 2?

The earliest was tear gas (xylyl chloride), followed by chlorine in 1915, and by phosgene gas and "mustard gas" (Yperite) on a larger scale. Used to a lesser extent were bromine and chloropicrin. The French army also used one of the first nerve gases, one obtained from prussic acid.

What is Zyklon B gas?

Zyklon B was the poison used in the Auschwitz gas chambers.

What weapons were used in the ww1-2 but not the present?

I dont know ask your teacher or look in your text book you stupid people.......I dont know ask your teacher or look in your text book you stupid people.......

What Poison gas used in World War 1?

A gas called "Mustard Gas"" was used.

Was poisons gas used in World War 2?

Answer 1 Poison gas was primarily used in WW I but not in WW II (with perhaps a few exceptions). Both Axis and Allies were scared to use it. Each side thought if they used it then the other side would too. Also poisonous gas would have been ineffective during WWII because of the fact there wasn't many trenches used and protective clothing (gas masks) had improved considerably.The Germans did however use poison gas in their extermination camps -see 'Related links' below.Answer 2The gases used in WW I were:Most commonly: chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas (or Yperite)."White star" mixture of phosgene and chlorineBromineChloropicrinNerve gas obtained from prussic acid.There is some evidence that poison gas was used by Japan against China at the start of WWII. However, no poison gas was used by Germany or the allies on the Western Front.Answer 3 The are some reports of Japan using poison gas in China during the lead up to WW II. Undisposed stockpiles and discarded shells containing poison gas ave been found to be leaking in China with the resulting poison gas deaths. These were 'incidents' involving poisonous gas, rather than by actual poison gas attacks.Following WWI there was an anti-poison-gas prohibition in the Versailles agreement/dictate of 1919. Poison gas was also banned by the Geneva Protocol of 1925. Consequently nations were understandably reluctant to violate that agreement out of fear of harsh reprisals.1. Zyklon B (hydrocyanic acid) - used at Auschwitz II and Majdanek2. Carbon monoxide - used at the other extermination camps (Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and others).There is but one event of Gas in WW2: Bari Harbour in Italy, a US cargo ship was bombed by the Germans & poison gas shells were released into the water.The mustard gas was stock piled during World War 2 but not used. Prior to the war the Italians used a gas against the Ethiopian forces. I think they used mustard gas not the chlorine type gas that had been used in World War 1.

The weapon unveiled by the Germans that terrified the English was the?

Poison gas was the terrifying weapon of World War 1. The V1 Flying Bomb and V2 Rocket were the terrifying weapons of WW2.

Who used poison gas in WW1?


Was poison gas used in World War I?

Yes. Mustard Gas

Poison gas used in World War 1?

tear gas

What element was a poison gas used in World War 1?

The common poison gas of WWI was Mustard Gas, a combination of Sulfur and Chlorine (C4H8Cl2S).