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Q: Was olaudah equiano part of the triangular trade?
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Where is olaudah equiano from?

Olaudah Equiano was born in present-day Nigeria, in a region that was part of the Igbo tribe. He was captured and sold into slavery at a young age, eventually being transported to the Americas where he experienced the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade.

What did equiano do?

Olaudah Equiano was a prominent African abolitionist, writer, and merchant who was known for his influential autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano." He played a key role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade by sharing his experiences of slavery and advocating for the rights of enslaved people. Equiano also took part in various abolitionist campaigns to raise awareness about the inhumanity of the slave trade.

What was the literary time period of life of olaudah equiano?

Olaudah Equiano lived during the 18th century, which was part of the Romantic period in literature. His autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano," was published in 1789 and is considered a significant work in both the abolitionist movement and early African literature.

What is the first part of triangular trade?


Most inhuman aspect of the triangular trade was the?

The most inhuman part of the triangular trade was the middle passage, in which slaves were carried from Africa to the New World.

Who was the transatlantic slave trade was part of a triangular trade that developed where?

the Americans

What product did New Englanders export as part of the triangular trade?

New Englanders exported Tobacco as part as the triangular trade.

How did the middle passage impact the north American trade?

it was a part of triangular trade

Who were Olaudah Equiano's parents?

It is not known who Olaudah's actual parents were. There are only his own accounts of what kind of people they were. He claimed his father was a Embrenche or man of dignity and his mother was something of a religious warrior.

What part of the triangular trade system represents the location where the trade process originated?

The part of the triangular trade system that represents the location where the trade process originated is Europe. Europe supplied goods such as firearms, textiles, and rum to Africa in exchange for slaves.

The transatlantic slave trade was part of a triangular trade that developed between Europe Africa and?

The Americans.

What cargo was carried on what is known as the middle passage of the triangular trade?

The middle passage, part of the Triangular Trade, carried slaves from Africa to America.