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It depends entirely on your point of view. I am British, to me Napoleon is a hero, despite his opposition to my country. He is a great leader. A great general, perhaps the greatest of modern times. But of course the British at the time will label him as a Tyrant....

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Is it possible that he was a heroic tyrant Or a tyrannical hero. The difference between good guys and bad guys is a close call on the playing field and in the history book. He was often seen as a man with numerous virtues and many faults and it often depends on various personal prejudices as to where he ranks.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Here are the few things:

1. For one, he was the general who keeps on winning. And in any war effort, winning battles will always make you look good. And Napoleon won A-LOT! He pretty much goes undefeated up until Russia (Battle of Trafalgar doesn't count, caz Napoleon didn't direct that battle, which frankly I hope he did, and the lose in spain is the same situation, once Napoleon was in, they all got beat up). So he is the very definition of war hero up until the end of his military career. This is one of the main reason why he is the hero fo French,

2. Secondly he was a revolutionary, and more importantly he isn't a pure revolutionary like the Jacobin, he does what he does to please the French people, and only the french people. For example he allows the nobles and the church state back in France after he was crowned emperor, but they have no power and right over the rest of the people. And this flies well with the French people who despite pushed out Church's, were still in heart Catholic.

3. He was not only a hero to French, he was a hero to Italians, he was hero to Egyptians, and he was somewhat a hero to Poland. He freed the italians stats from Austria whom at the time ruled Italy with iron hand. Napoleon drove Austrians away and he ordered his soldiers not to plunder and pillage.which in itself is a heck lot better than Austrian army did. He eliminated the Holy Roman Empire and helped germanic states to built the Federation of the Ryen (I think that's how you spell it :P) allow them to have their own version of liberal and essentially made Germany.

4. He was a hero to the government because during his time as general, his campaign kept government financially stable (somewhat, those guys really suck at economy). When royalists tried to overtook the french revolutionary government. Napoleon lead 6000 men, against 30000 I believe, and defended the government and drove away the royalist, essentially saved everyone on the council.

* read this on yahoo answers.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Depends on ones definition of both. He was a man of his time who wielded political power in a time when brutality was hidden in the undercurrents of dignified society. He institated many reforms that improved life for the people of Europe in general and his political work helped shape Polish and German nationalism that led to the eventual formation of the two independent states. He was responsible also for the murder of political opponents and supported brutal reprisals on rebels in Spain and Egypt. The way that a normal person is judged he would probably be classified as a villain but men/women in power can't be judged in the same way as normal people.
Many people have been trying to find the answer to this question. However, there is no correct answer. It only depends on your point of view. The critics of him say he was just another dictator and a tyrant, but others consider him as a hero.

Well, in my opinion he was definitely a hero. When he came to power, the situation in France was really bad. He had to do revolutionary changes in order to change it. He developed the Code Napoleon (which is still particularly in use), established a national bank, set up a new tax system, signed treaties with former enemies of France... These reforms and the victories he achieve (he fought armies bigger than his) are significant and by them he became a great figure in French history.

On the other hand, some people think he was a tyrant. Of course, he was a dictator and ruled alone (the other two consuls just advised him). There were also aspects that may have led him to act like that, for example his strict mother, troubles with his height or Italian accent. It is true that many people died during his wars (450 000 troops died only during the invasion of Russia), but did he want and expect that? I don't think so.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The terms are not exclusive, a ruler can be both totalitarian and authoritarian. As for Napoleon, he was undoubtedly authoritarian since authoritarianism concentrates all power with one person, which was true of French Empire under Napoleon. However, it is unclear whether Napoleon could be considered totalitarian since he lacked the infrastructure required to have complete and total control over all goings on in the French Empire.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It is very difficult to say whether he was good or bad, because it is not practically possible to give an absolute definition of "goodness" or "badness" of a human being.

He was endowed with qualities and flaws like any other man.

But the exceptional coincidence of his genius and circumstances increased the importance of both quality and defects far beyond the normal limits.

He probably had more power than any other man in history and perhaps this ended up being harmful in the evaluation that contemporaries establishments of that time and posterity also made towards Napoleon as a man. Not to count the massive and endless Propaganda that his enemies inside and outside France spread against the "Corsican Ogre".

This would contrast with the assessment that he deserves for the accomplishments he did as a strategist, general, politician, administrator, legislator, State ruler, father and husband, taking into account the period during which he lived.

He was a man of his time, worth remembering for what he was able to do and the legacy he left.

We should, therefore, not to be led astray over a certain limit, by the religious and morals parameters in force today to judge him.

Doubtlessly he had his "dark side" which he showed in many occasions and several disgraceful mistakes he committed. But should we consider those as overwhelming factors of our judgment, no other hero or prominent personality of the history could be considered as "good", with exception of the Saints.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Napoleon was really both. He was at first a heroic defender of the French Revolution, but later became a tyrannical emperor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Well, since the proper definition of "tyrant" is someone who seizes political power illegally, then yes, he was a tyrant. From the Latin, "Tyrannus", meaning "illegitimate ruler"

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Who is the man that overthrew the last government of the french revolution?

I do believe that would be Napoleon Bonaparte.

Who is Napoleon 1?

Napoleon Bonaparte became the Emperor of the French after the Revolution of 1789. In fact before that he had to become a General & then manoever his way to power. Once he proclaimed himself first consul for life & the Emperor he became de facto head of state & the Napoleonic dynasty was established. He has a golden age of military domination in Europe and is one of Historys great commanders, defeating all the continental armies that oppose him. (Austria, Russia & Prussia primarily) Eventually time catches up with the great man & he meets his Waterloo in 1815.

What effects did Napoleon Bonaparte have on people?

For a relatively small man, he was larger then life. He had a feel for pomp and tradition as seen in his coronation attire.

When did Napoleon Bonaparte save the Nationl Convention from a mob?

On 5 October 1795 Napoleon killed 1,400 Royalists with the fabled whiff of grapeshot which gained him fame, prestige, wealth and advancement, He was a made man for his exemplary conduct in defense of the Directory and a Marked Man by Royalist assassins.

What is the Napoleon syndome?

The short man syndrom. The Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome, Short Man syndrome, and Small Man syndrome. The Napoleon complex is named after French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The conventional wisdom is that Napoleon overcompensated for his short height by seeking power, war and conquest.

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What is the definition of Napoleon Bonaparte?

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The best known man called Bonaparte had the first name 'Napoleon'.

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I do believe that would be Napoleon Bonaparte.

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Who is Napoleon 1?

Napoleon Bonaparte became the Emperor of the French after the Revolution of 1789. In fact before that he had to become a General & then manoever his way to power. Once he proclaimed himself first consul for life & the Emperor he became de facto head of state & the Napoleonic dynasty was established. He has a golden age of military domination in Europe and is one of Historys great commanders, defeating all the continental armies that oppose him. (Austria, Russia & Prussia primarily) Eventually time catches up with the great man & he meets his Waterloo in 1815.

What French army officer from Corsica who boasted ''I am no ordinary man''.And became the First Consul and later Emperor?

Napoleon Bonaparte

6 hours for a man 7 hours for a woman 8 hours for a fool?

That's a quote from Napoleon Bonaparte about sleep

What is the meaning of Napoleon?

Napoleon is a reasonably common name. It was the name of an Emperor of France, the Corsican, Napoleon Bonaparte, and has several possible meanings:Old German: son of the mistGreek: woodland lionItalian: a person or man from the city of Napoli (Naples)

What effects did Napoleon Bonaparte have on people?

For a relatively small man, he was larger then life. He had a feel for pomp and tradition as seen in his coronation attire.

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Napoleon Bonaparte died May 5th, 1821 on his island St. Helena here he'd been banished from polite society after becoming the latest, but hardly the last, little man attempting to prove his worth on the world and historians believed his quick timed death was from a blater infection for several years

What were Napoleon Bonaparte's last words?

'France, l'armée, tête d'armée, Josephine'which translates to : "France, the Army, Head of the Army, Josephine." A nice set of priorities. (But then, Napoleon was a man driven to be France's greatest military leader.)