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yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney

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Q: Was louisiana's reaction to protective tariffs the same as that in other parts of the south?
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Was Louisiana's reaction to the protective tariffs the same as the other parts of the south?

yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney

Was Louisiana reaction to protective tariffs the same as that in other parts of the south?

yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney

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Was Louisiana's reactions protective tariffs the same as that in other parts of the South?

yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney

What was Alexander Hamilton's position on protective tariffs?

Alexander Hamilton favored protective tariffs because it was an essential part of his financial plan. By protecting America's infant domestic economy, he won the favor of the wealthy classes (merchants and manufacturers).

How did the compromise over trade regulations satisfy both northern and southern interest?

The compromise balanced the interest of northern states that wanted protective tariffs to support their industrial economy by allowing tariffs on some goods, while also appeasing southern states that relied on international trade by setting limits on those tariffs. This way, both regions were able to benefit economically without unduly harming each other's industries.

How did Congress react to Hoover's cash crop tariffs?

They accepted them and added other tariffs to nonfarm goods

Why did Alexander Hamilton support the protective tariff?

Alexander Hamilton was Secretary of Treasury when the first tariff was proposed and passed. Hamilton argued that it was very important for the new US government to have steady sources of revenue in order to pay its bills and establish good credit with other nations. Tariffs were easily collected and not an obvious tax to most people. The idea of protecting fledgling US industries was not a major reason for the first tariffs but may have had some benefit.

What are the two types of tariffs?

special duty ad velorem duty compound duty

What is the impact on a country's economy if other countries establish new tariffs on imports from that country?

Switzerland's profits will decline because the tariffs will cause the other countries to buy chemicals internally.

What aims to eliminate tariffs and other economic barriers?


Why are tariffs and other trade barriers economically harmful when they save some jobs?

Tariffs and other trade barriers are economically harmful when they save some jobs because the higher prices forced upon the people by the tariffs ultimately will cost more jobs than they save.