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Q: Was lobengula a victim of calculated deception(African history)?
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lobengula did not want war,nor was he keen to quarrel with the whites. HE was however tricked in believing that the whites had came to save him and his empire through missionaries.It is to great extend valid that Lobengula was a VICTIM OF CALCULATED DECEPTION,there was nothing he could have done to avert colonisation for it was an already drafted plan that was planned at the Berlin conference and unfortunately the Ndebele State was 'sphere of influence'.

Was lobengula a victim of deception?

Lobengula was a great king and leader of the Matabele who resided in the South/South West of the country of Zimbabwe. Was he a victim of calculated deception on occupation? As a viewpoint, possibly not, as the Shona lived in the North of the country and the first settlers arrived in Harare in the northern region of the country. The Shona never got on with the Matabele - which is a fact - so maybe it was a shrewd assessment on Lobengula's part. Who knows? The above is a brief analogy, it can be so easy to criticize and cast aspersions but what does this really achieve. There is nobody still living who was around at the time of Lobengula's reign.

Was lobengula a victim of calculated deception?

yes he wz a victim of culculated deception since thisoccupation wz already planned during the berlin conference..futhermore he wz made to sign a document he did not fully understand with the help on people like father helm who told him lies..the move to get a charter by rhodes and the delaying of his diplomats as also a culculated move

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