I believe the group of Puritans that settled Boston was led by John Winthrop.
John winthrop found massachusetts in 1691
John Winthrop was a founder of the "Massachusetts Bay" colony, and his son, John, helped found Connecticut.
John Winthrop was famous as being one of the founders of the second settlement in New England. Born in 1587, Winthrop was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony.
the answer is John winthrop.
John Winthrop
john winthrop
I believe the group of Puritans that settled Boston was led by John Winthrop.
John Winthrop was from Suffolk, England.
John Winthrop
John Winthrop died in 1649 from malaria.
John Winthrop lived in Suffolk, England
john Winthrop lead in the way 2 Massachusetts
john winthrop was the leader of the puritans like the pilgrims
John Winthrop settled in Massachusetts to get away.
John Winthrop was born on February 12, 1606.
John winthrop found massachusetts in 1691