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Q: Was it true that general Cornwallis fought to the death when he was trapped at Yorktown by the patriots?
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Who was the British general in the siege of Yorktown?

General Cornwallis was trapped in Yorktown, Virginia.

In 1781 what British general was trapped and ultimately surrendered at Yorktown Virginia?

In 1781 General Cornwallis was trapped and ultimately surrendered at Yorktown Virginia.

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This patriot victory in which British troops under command of general Cornwallis were trapped on a peninsula?


Was Nathanael Greene involved in the Battle of Yorktown?

Yes, he was the one that Cornwallis chased until he (Cornwallis) fled to Yorktown where he was trapped.

How did general Cornwallis lose Yorktown?

Cornwallis lost at Yorktown because he got trapped on the peninsula and french and Americans surrounding all around him and he didn't want to lose any men so he surrendered.

How were Cornwallis and troops trapped at Yorktown?

they got lost

Who won in the Charleston battle?

if you mean during the American Revolution, England and im pretty sure it was General Cornwallis, their second plan was to attack in the south because they thought the south contained more Loyalists than Patriots, Cornwallis was defeated at the Battle of Yorktown when he was trapped by American troops and the French navy

Who trapped Cornwallis by sea at Yorktown?

george washington, de Grasse, and the French

In late summer of 1781 Washington's troops trapped Cornwallis Army at?


How was General Cornwallis defeated in the battle of Yorktown?

He was surrounded and there was noway for him to win so he gave up. NOTE he had someone who was supposed to help him, but by the time they got around to it it was to late.

Why was Cornwallis forced to surrender in Yorktown?

George washing and his troops trapped Cornwallis's troop on a peninsula in Charleston. They had no way to escape.