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Q: Was his search for the ''great southern land'' successful?
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It is in the Southern lands as in your question, The Great Southern Land.

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The purpose was to search for the great southern land for a place for the convicts to go because it was getting to overcrowd in England.

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The Great Trek was a movement of Dutch-speaking colonists up into the interior of southern Africa in search of land where they could establish their own homeland, independent of British rule.

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What is the name Australia derived and what does it mean?

Australis which means Great Southern Land

When did Cook find the great southern land?

He didn't. James Cook did not find the great southern continent that was believed to exist. He found the east coast of Australia, a continent that was purported to have been discovered by the Portuguese in the 1500s and officially recorded by the Dutch in the 1600s, but this was not the same as the "great southern land", as such a landmass never existed.

Did Captain Cook find the Great Southern land?

He didn't.James Cook did not find the great southern continent that was believed to exist. He found the east coast of Australia, a continent that was purported to have been discovered by the Portuguese in the 1500s, and officially recorded by the Dutch in the 1600s, but this was not the same as the "great southern land" that never actually existed.

For what country did James Cook sail or search?

James Cook was on a secret mission to find the Great Southern Land which was believed to exist south of the equator. Australia was already known, but it was believed that another great land must exist in the southern hemisphere. As it was, Cook only clarified the position and size of Australia. He did not discover Australia - that had already been discovered by the Portuguese and Dutch sailors - but he did chart Australia's eastern coast.

What did poor southern whites do as the land became exhausted from farming?

Poor southern whites often moved to search for new land once the soil became exhausted. Some turned to subsistence farming, sharecropping, or tenant farming to make a living. Others migrated to cities in search of industrial work.

What part was Tasman in when he wrote A great land uplifted high?

Tasman was viewing the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand when he wrote A great land uplifted high. He was referring to the Southern Alps.