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Gold is too soft to hold an edge.

Gold has been used as decoration on a variety of weapons (e.g. swords, knives, firearms) but served no functional purpose there.

Gold is used in most modern electronics based weapons systems to protect connector contacts from corrosion.

Gold is used in some IR seeker heads in air to air missiles. It reflects IR from mirror surfaces better than any other element, allowing precision IR optical mirrors to be built.

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Q: Was gold ever used for weapons?
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Why was gold not used for weapons?

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Gold is mostly used for jewelry and utentils, nowadays. Before in the olden days they used it to make top class weapons (in their time).

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Plutonium is not commonly used in gold mining. Plutonium is a highly radioactive element that is used in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons, but it is not typically associated with gold mining processes.

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The current weapons without mods are swords (Wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond) and the bow. Also, axes can be used as weapons too, but are not recommended.

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The only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in any war was the US, at the end of WW2.

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Plutonium is heavier than gold. It is a dense, radioactive metal that is commonly used in nuclear reactors and weapons.

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