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Q: Was christopher Columbus the person who discovered American?
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What Kind Of Man Was Christopher Columbus?

Christopher Columbus was a man that was curious because he discovered America.

What does Columbus mean?

Christopher Columbus is a person

What did Leif Ericson do to help Europe?

He discovered Newfoundland 500 years before Christopher Columbus. That makes him the person who discovered the Americas.

What is Christopher Columbus' claim to fame?

Christopher Columbus is regarded as the person who brought the Americas into the forefront of Western attention. It is not that he first discovered the Americas, it is that he was the first one to stay, besides the Native Americans.

Who was the first person to go to Trinidad?

The Amerindians really discovered Trinidad and then later on Christopher Columbus REDISCOVERED Trinidad.

Why did Christopher Columbus claim the land rodrigo discovered?

Christopher Columbus claimed Hispaniola for money. They had been informed that the first person to see land would receive around 10,000 maravedis yearly for life.

Who was the first person to claim lands in America for Spain?

Christopher Columbus

What was the person's name that invented smoking?

Tobacco smoking was invented by native Indians and discovered by Christopher Columbus. It was brought back to Spain at the time.

How is Columbus viewed in American history?

Columbus is generally viewed as the person who "discovered" America, when instead he actually discovered the Virgin Islands. He is looked upon in a positive way by most Americans.

Why was Christopher Columbus famous for?

He discovered North America, although he wasn't the first. The Native Americans were already there, but another explorer had already discovered it, and that person was his arch enemy, who they later names Amercia after him. Columbus also discovered that the world didn't have a edge, because it wasn't flat.

Why did Christopher Columbus enslave the amerindians?

christopher Columbus was a Cruel and evil person he enslaved them because he was greedy and arrogant.

Was Christopher Columbus the first person to find Asia?
