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two words for you,no

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Q: Was Zhang Qian friends with emperor Han Wudi?
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Why did emperor han wudi honor zhang qian and ganfu?

he brought many changes in the government

What was the Chinese emperor wudi's main interest?

Wudi's main interests were war and military matters.

What was the main interest of the Chinese emperor Wudi?

Wudi's main intrest was war and military matters.Hope that helped a little bit.

How many years did emperor wudi reign?

Emporer Wudi reigned from 206 bc-ad 220 in the Han Dynasty.

Who Was Called The Martial Emperor?

han wudi

Why was wudi called the martial emperor?

Wudi was known as "The Martial Emperor" because he adopted the idea of expanding the Chinese Empire through war.

Who was warrior emperor of the Han Dynasty?

Wudi = Martial emperor, meaning he could fight, never translated as "warrior emperor"! Wudi was just a reign name chosen by Liu Che, the 5th emperor of the Han dynasty and the grandson of the Han dynasty's founder Liu Bang.

What was unlikely that wudi would become a emperor?

because he was only 16

Who was Wudi?

Emperor Wudi won major battles during his reign between 13 and 110 BC. He was able to conquer Xiongxnu territory and was able to expand the empire's territory in the northern and western areas.

What was emperor Wudis main interest?

Wudi's main interests were war and military matters. :D

What animals and plants did the Chinese emperor Wudi have in his park?

Chinese Emperor Wudi had to many things in his garden to list. But I know that he had about 12 different types of trees in his park. He had many exotic animals and plants in his garden. He had about 73 different types of things in his garden.

What was chinese emperor han wudi chose his governing officials based on?

Chinese Emperor Han Wudi chose his governing officials based on their ______________. (Points : 1) family standing military skills successful performance on Confucian exams personal history of service to himself