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There were 3 nested coffins. The innermost coffin was solid gold, and the famous solid gold facemask was resting on the mummy's face within this gold coffin. The coffin and mask are solid gold, but there are various other materials worked into the designs of these items. These are arguably the most spectacular and beautiful ancient artifacts ever found in Egypt. It is the only site in Egypt where the nested and gold leafed shrines, the sarcophagus within the shrines, the coffins mask and mummy of an ancient Egyptian king have been found utterly untouched since the funeral rites of the king were carried out. Other parts of the small tomb were ravaged by grave robbers, but they were caught, apparently, and the tomb was re-sealed in ancient times by the necropolis priesthood.

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1y ago

No, Tutankhamun's coffin was not made of pure gold. The outermost coffin, known as the innermost coffin, was made of wood but covered in gold foil. The layer of gold leaf was so thin that it had to be reinforced with plaster in some areas.

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