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Q: Was The Louisiana Purchase legal in France?
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What The Louisiana Territory was purchase was from?


How did France get new Orleans and Louisiana?

The Louisiana Purchase

Did Spain purchase the Louisiana purchase?

No. It was purchases from France

What did thomas jefferson purchase when he was president?

He arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.

Did the US buy Louisiana from Britain?

louisiana purchase was from france

What country did the united state purchase Louisiana from?


What year did the America buy The Louisiana Purchase?

The US bought the Louisiana purchase from France in 1803.

Which countries were involved in Louisiana purchase?

France and the USUSA and France

Where did the Louisiana purchase happen?

Paris, France Paris, France

What coutries were involved in the Louisiana purchase?

France and the United States. The United States bought Louisiana from France.

In 1803 the United States bought the Louisiana purchase from?


True or false the us purchased louisiana from france?

This is true. The United States purchased Louisiana from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase.