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Q: Was Siberia conquered by Japan during World War 2?
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Japan had conquered Southeast Asia during World War 2 using what slogan?

Asia for the asians

How did Germany and japan rule the people they conquered?

During World War II, the rule of conquered peoples by both Germany and Japan should be generally characterized as oppressive. Despite some rhetoric (and, sometimes, limited action) concerning liberation and unification, both nations abused conquered peoples and consumed as their own the resources of conquered nations.

Why wasn't rubber available in the U.S during World War 2?

Because Rubber was made in asia and asia was being conquered by japan

Why japan didn't support its colonies during world war 2?

Japan used it's conquered territories to support their war efforts. Labor, raw materials, sea ports, airfields, etc.

Did the Philippines have any part in world war 2?

The Philippines were conquered by Japan in 1942, then re-conquered by the US in 1944.

What island nation was quickly conquered by japan in World War 2?

the Philippines

Which region was not conquered by japan before the start of world war ii?


What country conquered Australia during World War 2?

No country conquered Australia during WW2 or any war.

What region was not conquered by japan by the start of world war 2?

No one really knows!

Which region was conquered by Japan before the start of World War 2?

Manchukuo (Manchuria) in China .

Which region was not conquered by Japan before the start of World War 2?

Indonesia, Indo-China.

Who was against the U.S. in World War 2?

Germany Siberia Turkey Japan USSR until operation Barbarossa(Germany attacked them)