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No, she was the first black person to refuse to get up from the front of a bus. Ruby Bridges, age 6 a the time, was the first black kid to go to an all white school.

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Q: Was Rosa parks the first black kid to go to a white school?
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What white school that Rosa Parks went to?

Miss White's School for girls.

Was Rosa Parks school black and white?

She was a white woman who got arrested in1955. She was brave just as Jesus Christ who died on the cross. Amen

How was rosa parks famous?

One of the reasons Rosa Parks is famous is by beginning the first person to the stand up by the civil rights between black and white people.

Who was the black lady that trespassed into the white section?

The black lady that trespassed into the white section was ROSA PARKS

Why does Rosa Parks matter?

She was the first black person not to let a white person seat in her seat. It was a turning point for the right movement.

What did Rosa parks do that make her important?

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man and its a law that if a white person does not have a seat then a black person would have to give up there seat. Rosa Parks was brave enough to to tell the white man "NO!" That's what Rosa Parks did that was so important, she made black an white people unite together.

Who was the first black child to deseegregate a white school in America?

Ruby Bridges

Who was the first black person go to a white school?

Ruby Bridges ---- jessie <3

What motivated Rosa parks to do what she did?

She wanted black people to be equal to white people

What was Rosa Parks accompishments?

black and white sitting in tha same seat

Who was the first black child to attend an all white school in New Orleans?

The first black child to attend an all-white school in New Orleans was Ruby Bridges in 1960. She attended William Frantz Elementary School.

What are some things that Ruby Bridges accomplished?

Ruby bridges was the first black child to go to a whites only school. Many people where yelling at her when she was going in but she actually prayed for them. Later the kids stopped going to the school but she still went and enjoyed it. After a while the kids started going back to school and the school degradation law was passed.