Yes it is really evil to kill parrots. If you kill parrots and other people who are saying that you're so evil is the right thing. The people who said parrot killers are so evil it means that person is right.
He was French, born in Corsica just after it was transferred from Genoa to France. (Corsica became part of France in 1768. Napoleon was born in 1769.) Since Corsica was part of France, Napoleon was a citizen of France. As a citizen he joined the army and began his rise to power and made his mark on the world.
Napoleon was good for France. He established a national bank, built better roads, created public schools, pulled France out of bankruptcy and won many great battles.
Louis Bonaparte was Napoleon's brother. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonoparte who became Emperor Napoleon III was Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew.
Yes, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte created the Napoleon law code, known to most as the Napoleon code.
The poisoning of French Troops that had contracted Bubonic Plague in Egypt was evil.
Hitler because he killed people of his own country wheras Napoleon just made things difficult. I think they are both evil, but Adolf Hitler was more evil than Napoleon Bonaparte.
He's evil, deceiving, dictator like (evil), lazy, and greedy
He is evil..
The reason that this is ironic is that Napoleon really did not do anything to deserve having it named after him.
Many people believe in the existence of both good and evil spirits. In Mark 5:1-20 Is the story of Jesus casting out "evil spirits" into a herd of pigs number about 2,000. The mans name was Legion meaning "we are many". so I would be led to believe that there are at least a couple thousand evil spirits.
The evil pig was named "Napoleon."
no they are not evil but they are very aggressive
Mark Twain
There is no evil woman. It is Dren Tarb Pai and Deep Blue/Mark.
He was never really evil, he was working undercover for Konoha spying on the evil organisation Akatsuki.
shes not evil, shes just REALLY stupid