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Q: Was Napoleon nice
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Where did Napoleon take command of French troops?

On March 27, 1796 Napoleon took command of the Army of Italy in Nice.

What did Napoleon from France do for the US?

He sold it a nice chunk of prime Real Estate at bargain basement prices.

What were Napoleon Bonaparte's last words?

'France, l'armée, tête d'armée, Josephine'which translates to : "France, the Army, Head of the Army, Josephine." A nice set of priorities. (But then, Napoleon was a man driven to be France's greatest military leader.)

What relationship did Louis-Napoleon have to Napoleon Bonaparte?

Louis-Napoleon, known later as Napoleon III, was Napoleon's Nephew.

Who are the 3 main pigs in animal farm?

Snowball the nice one that got chased off by dogs. Napoleon the mean one with the dogs, changed the rules to suit him. Squealer, Napoleon's spokesperson, great talker, just about everyone believed him.

Who was Napoleon's relative?

Napoleon's son was briefly Napoleon II. His nephew was Napoleon III.

Are the hotels in Paris nice?

watch Ratatouille and find out ;) There are a ton of good hotels in Paris. The Hotel Du Louvre was commisioned by Napoleon and stil retains the charm and elegance of its inception. The hotels around the Bastille are more modern but the area is a hip and lively spot during the day and at night. Porte maillot also have some nice hotels and access to a huge park also started by Napoleon!

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was the of Napoleon Bonaparte.?

Louis Bonaparte was Napoleon's brother. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonoparte who became Emperor Napoleon III was Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew.

Is it as Napoleon said or like Napoleon said?

Properly, it is as Napoleon said.

Was the code Napoleon a success or failure for Napoleon?

It was the major success of Napoleon as a legislator.

What is Napoleon's name?

Depends on which one you are talking about, but Napoleon Bonaparte was the real Napoleon.

How old was Napoleon's brother in napoleon dynamite?

Napoleon's Brother Kip is 32