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He could be called a good man who did bad things. ''Or:'' He could be called a bad man who did good things. ''Or even:'' Sometimes what appears to be good or bad to one individual is not viewed in the same manner by others. Or in other words He is just a bad bad bad bad bad dude.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Yes and No. He tried to bring glory to France, but he could not do that without using his experience from the Military.

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13y ago

Some say that he was a good man who sometimes did bad things.

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12y ago

He provided a better government then was available under the Monarchy or the Republic and despite his numerous errors and failures, he was both a charismatic and respected head of state.

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13y ago

Technically yes but I'm not telling you why...

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13y ago

His rule was generally beneficial and progressive (Call it people friendly.)

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No, he may have done things that were inherently evil, but that does not make him evil personified.

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13y ago

No, but he was tough and manly.

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Q: Was Napoleon a good or bad leader?
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No, he was a good leader who sometimes did bad things.

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Was Napoleon Bonaparte good or bad for France?

Napoleon is one of the finest military Commanders in History. Following the Revoultion & the Reign of Terror Napoleon is given command of the Army of Italy, against the Austrians. his campaining is brilliant & his rise meteoric. The Code Napoleon to this day forms much of the basis of Law in France: As an administrator Napoleon is phenominal. As time passes the defeats in Russia, at Leipzig & finally at Waterloo end his reign. It is undoubted that Napoleon changes France out of all recognition, despite the failings that Napoleon had, in terms of the French & France, Napoleon Bonaparte was very good indeed. Bad, to some people for the fact that he conquered the countries. He was also a great leader which is how we remember him today.

Was Napoleon Bonaparte an important leader in France?

Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte was an important leader in France.

How did Napoleon referred to formally?

our Leader, Comrade Napoleon

What napoleon was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a great leader and ran his country under a code

What is one fact about Napoleon Bonaparte that proves he was a good leader in France?

He is honored at Les Invalides.

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snowball is a dedicated leader as well as a good military leader, later on in the story snowball is criticised of being a traitor by napoleon.

What Marine Corps rank is derived from Napoleon's leadership philosophy?

Napoleon was a good country loyalist but ruthless leader, Grande Armée was the name given to the rank.

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