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Napoleon is one of the finest military Commanders in History. Following the Revoultion & the Reign of Terror Napoleon is given command of the Army of Italy, against the Austrians. his campaining is brilliant & his rise meteoric. The Code Napoleon to this day forms much of the basis of Law in France: As an administrator Napoleon is phenominal. As time passes the defeats in Russia, at Leipzig & finally at Waterloo end his reign. It is undoubted that Napoleon changes France out of all recognition, despite the failings that Napoleon had, in terms of the French & France, Napoleon Bonaparte was very good indeed. Bad, to some people for the fact that he conquered the countries. He was also a great leader which is how we remember him today.

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Q: Was Napoleon Bonaparte good or bad for France?
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Why was Napoleon Bonaparte a bad leader?

No, he was a good leader who sometimes did bad things.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte allow women to go to school?

Napoleon did not allow women to go to school. He only allowed wealthy men to attend. They men were to be taught a limited curriculum, about how GREAT NAPOLEON WAS> I think he was a bad guy :)

Did Napoleon Bonaparte support or oppose King Louis XVI?

Napoleon was an emperor and was a stronger (which does not immediately mean better) ruler then Louis XVI overall, although he made poor choices. Louis was very indecisive and did not have a clue on how to do a thing corresponding on how to rule a country. Napoleon on the other hand knew what he needed to do to succeed in most situations but made some bad decisions Louis ran from his duty whereas Napoleon fought for his right to lead France to greatness.

Was napoleon a good or bad guy?

I would say to most French people he would not be considered that bad as he did do much for France. However, I am not certain on how to gage the percentage but overall he will not be remembered as a good guy.

How did Napoleon Bonaparte hurt the French Revolution?

I'm a Napoleon supporter so I have more good to say about him than bad ha. However, Napoleon in many ways went against the ideals of the Revolution. Firstly, the French Revolution fought for democracy but Napoleon was a dictator. Secondly, one other ideal of the French Revolution is to have checks and balances within the government but Napoleon made almost all the political decisions on his own. Overall, Napoleon's style of government was closer to absolutism which was a big no-no of the French Revolution.

Related questions

Why was Napoleon Bonaparte a bad leader?

No, he was a good leader who sometimes did bad things.

What contribution Napoleon Bonaparte?

His good contribution was the Napoleonic Code. His bad contribution was the relentless warmongering for almost two decades. He killed a large portion of Europe's population and displaced many more.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte allow women to go to school?

Napoleon did not allow women to go to school. He only allowed wealthy men to attend. They men were to be taught a limited curriculum, about how GREAT NAPOLEON WAS> I think he was a bad guy :)

What were the bad qualities of Napoleon Bonaparte that would place him in the hall of shame?

Napoleon of France made a lot of contributions. Frequent war at the expense of the French people did a lot of harm, because his ambition has led to the coalition of many European countries. Most people died of War, and Napoleon himself would like to think that everything should be resolved by force, so that Napoleon ambitions increased.

What was the reason of outbreak of French Revolution?

France had a National debt crisis, heavy taxation and a grain shortage because of two years of bad weather. Bread was difficult to obtain and the prices had increased. The Monarchy was not responding to the possibility of starvation. The peasants wanted change.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte support or oppose King Louis XVI?

Napoleon was an emperor and was a stronger (which does not immediately mean better) ruler then Louis XVI overall, although he made poor choices. Louis was very indecisive and did not have a clue on how to do a thing corresponding on how to rule a country. Napoleon on the other hand knew what he needed to do to succeed in most situations but made some bad decisions Louis ran from his duty whereas Napoleon fought for his right to lead France to greatness.

Was napoleon a good or bad guy?

I would say to most French people he would not be considered that bad as he did do much for France. However, I am not certain on how to gage the percentage but overall he will not be remembered as a good guy.

How did Napoleon Bonaparte hurt the French Revolution?

I'm a Napoleon supporter so I have more good to say about him than bad ha. However, Napoleon in many ways went against the ideals of the Revolution. Firstly, the French Revolution fought for democracy but Napoleon was a dictator. Secondly, one other ideal of the French Revolution is to have checks and balances within the government but Napoleon made almost all the political decisions on his own. Overall, Napoleon's style of government was closer to absolutism which was a big no-no of the French Revolution.

Is it a good or bad thing that squealer is able to convince the other animals to listen so easily to napoleon?

By this i assume you mean the book animal farm. This depends on perspective, Napoleon (the pig) is portrayed to be bad and mean therefore this was a bad thing. However Napoleon will have seen it as a good thing.

Who is the bad guy of the 19th century?

In Europe this would most likely be Napoleon III. He named himself emperor and got many European nations involved in the Crimean War just so that he could get revenge on the countries who beat his uncle (Napoleon Bonaparte). He then helped unify Italy but broke promises with Cavour when it was time for him to pull the French out of Rome. If you don't like that, then maybe Bismarck? He did good things (unify Germany) but did so through wars with Austria and France.

Was Napoleon Bonaparte a success?

First I would suggest you define your thoughts of success. In many peoples eyes Napolean Bonaparte was a "bad leader"but, to others he is a role model because he knew was in fact a good leader in their eyes. Napolean Bonaparte in my eyes was a good leader because he was in contol of the people. He might not have made the best decisions in the eyes of the everyday person who was not in the place to judge because they did not have to make secisions like that but he was a good leader. He was a success because he is recognized all over the world as a good and strong leader who fought hard. In my eye's that is a success, being world renowned and being a good leader.

Does France have good history?

History can not be good or bad.