This is very difficult to answer. He WAS a great scientist, but there were many other scientists who provided other good knowledge in different areas of the science. So maybe it's better not to hierarchize the greatness of scientists since this is only a question of opinions.
Louis pasteur was a scientist for microorganisms
Louis Pasteur, who else?
louis pasteur
Louis Pasteur discovered yeast fungus. This led to the creation of pasteurization.
If you mean the microbiologist Louis Pasteur then no, since he was born a year after Napoleon died.
Louis Pasteur
Louis pasteur was a scientist for microorganisms
Louis was a doctor and a scientist
Louis Pasteur
Louis pasteur
he was a zoologist
The experiments conducted by the scientist Louis Pasteur demonstrated the principle of biogenesis.
Louis Pasteur
Louis pasteur
Louis Pasteur
Louis pasteur
The first pasteurization was done by Louis Pasteur and Claude_Bernardon April_20, 1862.