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Apparently, yes, from the Texas Schoolbook Depository.

Theories that Oswald did not act alone don't really hold up to investigation. Oswald was a man who never fit in; no matter what he tried, he always ended up alienating himself from the "group". The likelihood that he could cooperate or coordinate this activity with another person or persons is very remote. He had the training, the skill, and the means to carry it out all by himself. Most of all, after all of his failures, he had the motivation to make this grand gesture to show the world that he had what it takes.

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Q: Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone in killing JFK and where was he when he killed JFK?
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Who killed JF Kenndey?

According to the Warren Commission, the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a freemason?

I don't think so, but it is possible. I spoke to JFK on the ouija board, and asked him if it was the secret service that killed him. He said no, that it was "Ozzy". I asked if he was working alone or if he was working for someone else, and he said "Mason". Based off of this, I would say that Lee Harvey Oswald was either a freemason, or at the very least had some connection to the masons.

It is the biggest plague ever as it killed over 15th of London killing a total of around 100000?

Considering Smallpox killed over 300 million (300,000,000) people in the 20th century alone, I think it bests pretty much any other plague in history. So, no, the London Plague is not the biggest plague ever.

Was the CIA involved in the assassination of JFK?

There is no proof that there was a conspiracy. There is a convincing, but not conclusively proven case that Lee Harvey Oswald, who had been known to have communist sympathies, could have fired all the shots from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Conspiracy theories vary from the strange to the believable. Most come from the idea that there was at least one other gunman, who might have been hiding behind the grassy knoll by the roadside. Some say that Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination two days later was part of a cover-up. Some theories go deep and may involve the USSR, subversive communists, the Mafia, Lyndon Johnson, the Republicans, etc.

Was Hitler alone responsible for killing the Jews?

Hitler was the one mainly responsible for the killing of the Jews, but he was not the sole responsibility as all the people who supported him and carried out the killing tasks Hitler set them also shares some of the responsibility.

Related questions

What the warren commission determined?

1. That Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill Gen. Erwin Walker in April 1963, and he acted alone. 2. That Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots and killed President John. F. Kennedy, and he acted alone. 3. That one of the three shots, fired by Oswald went through President John Kennedy and struck Govenor John Connelly. 4. That Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed Officer JD Tippit, and he acted alone. 5. That Lee Harvey Oswald tried to kill another Dallas Police Officer when he was arrested. 6. That Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and he (Ruby) acted alone.

What conclusions was reached by the warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Who killed JF Kenndey?

According to the Warren Commission, the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone.

After investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy the Warren Commission concluded what?

The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The commission found no evidence of a conspiracy or involvement of a second shooter.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a president?

Lee Harvey Oswald (acting alone) shot and murdered President John F. Kennedy and Dallas Texas police officer J.D. Tippit. Jack Ruby (who was mentally unstable) shot and killed Oswald, while Oswald was in police custody. Ruby died of cancer in prison.

What president was assanated by Lee Harvey Oswald?

Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of killing John F. Kennedy, but he was murdered while in police custody and, therefore, never convicted. Although the Warren Commission determined that he did it and that he acted alone, there are still many who don't believe he acted alone or that he could have been involved at all.

Who killed JFK according to the government?

Lee Harvey Oswald Is partly right. Nobody knows completely so far, Everybody said that it was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was initially arrested for the murder of a police officer 40 minuets after Kennedy was killed. Then, he was suspected of killing the police officer AND Kennedy, but he denied involvement in either killings. Two days later, Oswald was shot and killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby in complete view of broadcasting live television cameras on live. In 1979 the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that Oswald Fired the three shots from the sniper that killed Kennedy, but with investigations it was concluded that he was not acting alone.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone in the assassination?

According to all known investigations he was alone.

What was reached by the warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The Warren Commission concluded that John F. Kennedy had been killed by?

a lone assassin. As opposed to several assassins.

What conclusion was reached by warren commission?

That Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

After the JFK assassination the Warren Commission concluded that who did it alone?

Lee Harvey Oswald.