King Richard II in 1399.
Kronos was dethroned by his sixth child Zeus/ Dias in cooperation with his wife Rea
King Richard was around during the medieval times.
Richard the Lion-Heart was King Richard I of England.
The 1830 revolution in France ousted king Charles X (the tenth), who was replaced by King Louis-Philippe.
King Richard II in 1399.
Are you talking about Richard II? It is impossible to understand your question.
He (Zeus) became king of the gods.
king henry vlllb was dethroned
The king who exiled Defoe was dethroned.
The king who exiled Defoe was dethroned.
He remained as king of his empire in Asia until his death in 323 BCE.
The south didnt have a king, but a president. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America.
He dethroned the defending titleholder.
The despot has been dethroned!