

Was Julius ceasar an emperor

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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Actually No, Julius Caesar turned down the title of emperor. The first Roman emperor was Octavian, who was Julius Caesar's adopted son, who became the first Roman emperor in 27BC, some time after Caesar's death in 44BC (and was awarded the name Augustus Caesar).

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16y ago
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12y ago

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

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13y ago

No, Julius Caesar was never an emperor. He was a dictator and shortly before he died was made dictator for life.

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13y ago

No, Julius Caesar never was an emperor, at least not officially. He was made dictator for life, which amounted to the same thing as far as authority went.

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14y ago

When Julius Caesar died the empire was plunged into civil war. Octavian, Caesar's heir, eventually won and became the first emperor.

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12y ago

No, Julius Caesar was not an emperor. He was a dictator.

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14y ago

No ,

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