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Yes. John was born some months earlier. Mary was told about Elizabeth's pregnancy in the sixth month (see Luke 1:36) and then stayed with her for three months, evidently leaving just before John was born. Mary had Jesus at an unspecified later time, but the indication would seem to be a relatively short time-frame, months rather than years, since Mary had already been told about her own impending pregnancy with Jesus when she visited Elizabeth.

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Q: Was John and jesus was born around the same time?
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Who was born around the same time as Jesus?

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John the Apostel and John the Baptist are not the same person?

No. They are not the same. St John the Apostle was a former fisherman who was called to be one of the twelve disciples whom Jesus taught and trained during his ministry here on earth (Luke 5:1-11). John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin, born to Elizabeth and Zacharias (Luke 1:1-80; 3:1-18) who preached repentance to the Jews prior to Jesus' earthly ministry. John the Baptist is also call the "forerunner" of Christ because of his ministry to prepare others to receive Jesus' message of salvation.

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Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist. you can find it in the Gospels (New Testament). John was Elizabeth's baby. Elizabeth and Mary were pregnant round the same time. Elizabeth was on Mary's side of the family. i think they are either sisters or cousins. hope i helped!!

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Were Jesus Christ and John the Baptist the same age?

The direct answer to your question is NO. John the Baptist was not born of a virgin like Christ. The angel Gabriel visits Zacharias while he is duing priestly work in the temple. The angel tells Zacharias that his wife Elizabeth will bear him a son and call his name John. The angel informs Zacharias that his son will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. (Luke 1:13-15). Because Zacharias does not believe the news of the birth of a son, he is deaf until his son is born. Like Christ, John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit from birth. However, only Jesus was born of a virgin and was sinless. John the Baptist had a sinful nature just like us and had to believe that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah). Jesus had a heavenly father and John the Baptist had an earthly father like all other humans. Jesus was the exception.

When was Saint Nicodemus born?

Saint Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, who, according to the Gospel of John, showed favour to Jesus. He appears three times. Nicodemus visits Jesus one night to discuss his teachings with him. Technically, there is no place mentions when Saint Nicodemus born, but the same time with Jesus Christ.

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When was Saint John the Apostle born?

This is difficult to answer as there is no actual figure mentioned in the Bible. However, we can get some clues.Firstly, John and his brother James were known as 'sons of thunder' - a rather beligerent pair. When they joined jesus's disciples, they left their father Zebedee who was an active fisherman. In those days, when life expectancy was only around 40 - 50 so, Zebedee, to be an active person would have to have been no more than 38-42 or so or he would have been considered too old to set out on the sea. Furthermore, the mother of John and James once approached Jesus to ask about who would sit at his right hand when his Kingdom came. All these facts lead us to believe that at the time Jesus conducted his ministry, John was probably no more than a teenager - past his Bahmizvah at 14 (or the Bioble would have mentied him as a child), but not much older. The above incidents bear this out - as a 40 year old Zebedee would have a son no older than 18 or 20, that their mother was a typical mum wanting the best for 'her boys' and the 'sons of thunder' description would be an apt description for a beligerent teenager. Finally, we know that John's gospel was not written until near the end of the first century. If john was already old during the time of Jesus' ministry he would not have lived this long. As it stands, if John was a teenager at the time of Jesus' ministry, then he could easily have written his gospel towards the end of the first century,when he was very elderly - in his 80s or early 90s - rather unusual for men in those times.Now to John's birth date. Jesus was 30 - 33 when he conducted his ministry, and we must assume that John was around 15 - 18 at the same time, ie John would be around 15 years younger than Jesus. If jesus was born around 4 BC as is generally accepted then this puts the year of John's birth at around 11 AD or so - give or take a few years!John the Baptist was born about the year 1 AD. John the Apostle was born about 10 AD - both dates approximate depending on calendar adjustments.The above information about Jesus and the Apostle John is resonably accurate. However, John the baptist was born only 6 months before Jesus. In the first chapter of Luke, Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother was 6 months pregnant when she was told of Mary's extected pregnancy by God's angel Gabriel. When John was born, Mary was then 3 months pregnant. If Jesus was born in 4 BC, then John the Baptist was born 6 months before that, not in 1 AD. sometime earlier this monthBelfast

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John the son of Zebedee was likely a young man, possibly in his late teens or early twenties, when he started following Jesus.

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Simon Peter, called at the same time was his brother Andrew.