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Q: Was Jefferson supported by recent immigrants because they knew he was the author of the declaration of independence?
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Who supported The Declaration of Independence?

The founding fathers

Which idea is not supported in the Declaration of Independence?

Your mom. yeah do your work

How did the Emancipation Proclamation reflect the ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

it was the freedom for people. in declaration of independence it was independence for colonists and for emancipation proclamation is was the slaves

Read the Preamble from the Declaration of Independence. Which conclusion from the Declaration of Independence is best supported by the reasoning in the paragraph?

Governments exist to protect the people who created them :)

Who wrote a pamphlet in January 1776 that supported independence in the colonies?

thomas jefferson

What was the political faction that supported the American dream of independence from England and kings?

the declaration yeah that's it

How was Jefferson influenced by the enlightenment?

Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment ideas of individual rights, freedom, and the belief in human reason. He incorporated these principles into his writing of the Declaration of Independence and his advocacy for religious freedom and separation of church and state. Jefferson also supported the idea of limited government and the importance of education in a democratic society.

EnWhen was the Declaration of Independce written and approved?

It was drafted and written during the year of 1776 by Thomas Jefferson and was voted on and passed on July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was considered the birth of the United States of America. It was supported by the 56 signers including the soon to become famous, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, and 52 others.

What does the Bill of Rights say about slavery?

The Bill of Rights makes no mention of slavery nor does the Constitution.

What did Thomas Jefferson do in the History of US?

First of all he was one of our founding fathers. Secondly he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Then he became our third president and during his presidency he doubled our land area by buying the Louisiana Purchase.

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What did great Britain think of the declaration of independence?

The king considered it treason, but there were those in England who supported it. They wore a blue ribbon or clothing to signify support.