

Was Hadrian's wall a success

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Was Hadrian's wall a success
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Who lived near hadrians wall?

Hadrians wall is in Rome and It was built by the sevants of King Hadrian. And they found timber by it.

Which is longer Hadrians Wall or Amazon River?

The Amazon River is much longer. Hadrians Wall, in England, is much shorter.

How important was Hadrians wall?

It was the least important wall

Attractions in Scotland?

hadrians wall

Is hadrians wall in Scotland?

no. It's in northumbria

Why is hadrians wall compared to a Molehill?

because the Hadrian's wall is crumbled

Is hadrians wall British?

Now Hadrian's wall is British, but originally it was Roman.

How many forts are along hadrians wall?

there was 16 forts.

How many soldiers guarded Hadrian's Wall?

about 500 to 1000 soldiers

How many bricks make hadrians wall?

None. It is not a brick wall. It was constructed of stone and turf.

Where did the Romans and Celts fight?

The Romans and the Celts fought in Hadrians Wall.

What materials are used in the manufacture of Hadrians wall?

Stone and composite bricks.