He was born 15th September 1254 AD in Venice.
She was born in the year AD1412.
Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC and died in 44 BC.
There were no years at all between BC and AD. 1BC was immediately followed by 1AD. There was not even a year zero. Some think there was a year zero between BC and AD; others think there were 33 years between BC and AD, but neither of these are correct. BC is Before Christ. AD is not After Death, but Anno Domini, meaning the Year of Our Lord. So you had up to the time he was born, and from when he was born onwards, with nothing between them.
BC. He was born in 570 BC.
He was born in/about 387 AD.
BC is the time before jesus christ was born therefore BC is BEFORE CHRIST and AD refers to the time after christ was born
There was no period between BC and AD. One followed the other. After 1 BC was the year 1 AD. There was no year zero or anything else between BC and AD. BC is Before Christ. AD is Anno Domini, the time of Our Lord, so basically from when he was born. So there is no time period in between before he was born and when he was born.
St. Jerome was born in 347 AD.
He was born 15th September 1254 AD in Venice.
1776 AD means the year 1776 after christ was born, this year is 2011 AD. Forty years before Jesus was born it was 40 BC. BC: Before Christ AD: After Death
Patrick (then known as Maewyn Succat) was born between 387 and 390 AD.
St. Cecilia was born in the 2nd century AD, around the year 200 AD.