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George Clinton was actually a democratic republican which is the opposite party from fedralists, so he was more antifederalist. He worked with Thomas Jefferson

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Q: Was George Clinton a federalists or anti-federalists?
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How was the dispute between the federalists and the anti-federalists resolved?

It wasn't. we still have republicans and democrats today, which are forms of the federalists and antifederalists

What are the differences between federalist's and antifederalist's?

The antifederalists, or people who opposed a strong federal government, came into quarrel with the federalists, who favored a strong federal government. The federalists differ from the anti-federalists in terms of social, economic, and political expression. Many differences arose between the federalists and the antifederalists concerning social issues. First of all, the antifederalists were from the poorer classes, while the federalists were from higher, more aristocratic classes. Antifederalists mainly consisted of uneducated people who made up the working class. Federalists, however, were aristocratic people who were cultured and well educated.

Why did the Founding Fathers insist on a Bill of Rights?

The founding fathers didn't really insist on a bill of rights, the antifederalists did. Federalists were people who wanted a strong government, but antifederalists were afraid that if there was a very strong government, the states would be too weak, and that people would lose rights if the government was too powerful. So when the federalists wanted to approve the Constitution, antifederalists said they wouldn't, until the federalists put in a Bill of Rights. So the federalists added the bill of rights, so that the anti-feds would ratify the constitution.

Did George Clinton help the Americans or the british?

George Clinton helped the British people

8-What is the difference between Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

The Federalists were well organized and in many states they often controlled the elections of ratifying conventions with their power and influence. Their opponents, the Antifederalists, were generally farmers, debtors, and other lower class people who were loyal to their state governments.

Related questions

What did the federalists fight for?

the federalists were trying to get the antifederalists with the constitution and the federalists agreed with the constitution and the antifederalists didnt agree with the constitution

Who were the federalists the antifederalists?


People opposed to a strong national government?

The anti-federalists were the opponents of ratifying the U.S. Constitution, because it would create a strong central government. Some of the noted anti-federalists were Patrick Henry, George Clinton and James Monroe.

What were people called who didnt support ratification of the constitution?

The federalists supported the constitution but the anti federalists wanted to change/tweak the constitution.

What were the people who supported the Constitution called?

The side at opposed the ratificaton of the constition was the Anti- federalists. people who were Anti-federalists such as George Mason and others.

Who led the new york anti federalists?

George Clinton (the vice president NOT the entertainer)

How did the nations first parties get started?

It began with federalists and antifederalists then federalists integrated to republicans and anti-federalists went to democrats

Which of the two groups debating the constitution favored ratification?

Federalists And Antifederalists Fought Over The Ratification

Was there a political division in America in 1789?

Yes, because there was a political division between the Federalists and Antifederalists as to whether the Constitution should be passed or not. Federalists supported the Constitution and Antifederalists opposed the Constitution.

What was the role of Federalists and Antifederalists in the radification process?

The Federalists were the ones whom wanted to aprove the constitution, and make it legal. The Antifederalists were the one whom voted againt aproving the constituition. The Federalists were the ones whom wanted to aprove the constitution, and make it legal. The Antifederalists were the one whom voted againt aproving the constituition.

The differences between anti-federalists and federalists?

Federalists are people who support the constitution and on ther the other hand antifederalists are people oppose the constitution

How was the ratification of the constitution overcome between federalists and antifederalists?

they got along