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Yes he was but not directly. Johnson advised John F. Kennedy as part of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council on what to do about the crisis. In the end, Kennedy placed naval ships around Cuba's border to stop incoming military supplies and, realizing the threat of possible war, Khrushchev - the Soviet leader at the time -decided to turn back his ships. In the end, the Soviet Union agreed to take down the weapon sites and the US. agreed not to invade Cuba.

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Only to the degree that he was President (dictator) of Cuba at the time and he invited the Soviets in to help defend his country from certain invasion by the US or their operatives. See "Bay of Pigs". The larger picture of the actual events in the Cuban Missile Crisis was handled by US President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev and their respective governments.

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Q: Was Lyndon Johnson involved during the Cuban missile crisis?
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What president was involved in the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F Kennedy.

What do the Cubans call the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The missile crisis

What counties were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba usa and Russia

Who was involved in Cuban Missile Crisis?

Primarily the United States and the Soviet Union, and of course Cuba.

Who faced the Cuban missile crisis?

The country that faced the missile crisis was the United States.

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No, but he was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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John F Kennedy.

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Primarily the United States and the Soviet Union, and of course Cuba.

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Cuba usa and Russia

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No. The "documentary" was parodying the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

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The country that faced the missile crisis was the United States.