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Not to the people who lived there. It was benifical to him, the King and Queen of Spain, and the present America.

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Q: Was Columbus landing in the Bahamas beneificial?
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What is the present day name or Columbus' first landing site?

They landed on a small island in the present-day Bahamas which Columbus claimed for Spain and named San Salvador.

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What part of Asia did christopher Columbus land on?

The exact landing site of Columbus is a matter of some dispute, but it was probably the island of Hispaniola.

Which three islands did Columbus vist first?

Columbus first visited the Bahamas, landing in a place he named San Salvador. He later sailed to Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles, two other islands in the Caribbean.

Where was Christopher Columbus trying to reach after landing on the Bahamas?

Christopher Columbus' goal at the beginning of the voyage was to find India in search of precious rocks and spices. So he was still searching for India. He never found had found it (India). Finding the Bahamas (San salvador) was not planned by Christopher. It was a total suprise when they found it.

Columbus September 12?

If we are talking landing date the answer is no, Columbus landed in modern day Bahamas island San Salvador on October 12, 1492 (Roman calendar, which is what we use) and October 21, 1592 (Gregorian calendar)

What was the first island Christopher Columbus discover?

the Bahamas

Who found the Bahamas during the age of exploration?

Columbus is who found the Bahamas.

What is the island that Columbus established the post La Navidad?

The Bahamas

What are the group of islands that Columbus discovered on his first expedition?

Christopher Columbus Landed on the island of San Salvador.

Did Columbus reach the Bahamas not US?

Columbus reached the Bahamas thinking it was Asia. Vikings reached the USA ana Canada 1st.

What explorer was before Magellan?

Columbus had discovered the Bahamas in 1492.