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No, General Colin Powell retired as a Four Star General.

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Q: Was Colin Powell a five star general of the Army?
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How many kids do colin Powell have?

yes five kids

Was Norman Schwarzkopf ever considered for a five star general rank?

Yes, he was offered a fifth star in an attempt to keep him from retiring, as was General Colin Powell. Both refused the honor and retired.

Which word may precede General?

In the Army there are five different levels of General: Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General and General of the Army.

Who was the second five star general in th US Army?

General of the Army Douglas Mac Arthur.

Does colin Powell have any kids?

He has one sister, named Marilyn, who is more than five years older than him. Growing up she was much more successful academically than Colin and later went into a teaching career for decades before she retired from that field.He has no brothers. please sex me colin powell. he was well educated

Which is the higher position general police or general army?

general army is a higher position than general police as general police is two star rank whereas general army has five star rank.

Who was the last five star general for the US?

General of the Army Omar Bradley

Who was the fourth five star General of the Army?

General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold.

Which president was general in the army?

President Eisenhower was a Five Star General during the Second World War.

Which US General was in command of the Philippines?

General of the Army (Five Star) Douglas MacArthur is the only person to rise to the rank of Field Marshall of the Philippine Army.

Who was the third five star General of the US Army?

Dwight David Eisenhower.

Was eisenhower a four star general?

Dwight D. Eisenhower made it all the way to General of the Army, which is a five star general.