You could say that. He chopped of body parts of Indians to prove that there were people in the new world, he hung people who did not listen to him and he traded broken glass and beads for gold which is a ripoff. Other than that, he was a good man.
Not great. Christopher Columbus was a cruel and greedy man who was mean to his crew and tortured the inhabitants of the countries he landed in.
christopher Columbus was a Cruel and evil person he enslaved them because he was greedy and arrogant.
Christopher Columbus was a man who education at Syracuse university
i think he lived in Italy
Christopher Columbus was a man that was curious because he discovered America.
Not great. Christopher Columbus was a cruel and greedy man who was mean to his crew and tortured the inhabitants of the countries he landed in.
Not great. Christopher Columbus was a cruel and greedy man who was mean to his crew and tortured the inhabitants of the countries he landed in.
christopher Columbus was a Cruel and evil person he enslaved them because he was greedy and arrogant.
Christopher Columbus was a man who education at Syracuse university
If someone forced you to change what you believe in, wouldn't you say that was cruel? I don't think Columbus did any converting.
"Riches don't make a man rich, they only make a man busier." -Christopher Columbus
i think he lived in Italy
christopher Columbus family was outgoing an his father was a sail man.
Christopher Columbus was a man that was curious because he discovered America.
Christopher Columbus.
The man that discovered America