

Best Answer

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

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Yes. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Caesarea was established as the capitol of Iudaea.

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Q: Was Caesarea the city used for the Roman government of Palestine?
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Where was Ancient Rome government located?

The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.The central government of the Roman empire was located in the city of Rome.

What was the easternmost city in the Roman Empire?

There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.

What caused King Herod the Great to build the city of Caesarea?

Caesarea was probably built on the ruins of an earlier coastal city founded by Straton the First of Sidon. The Hasmoneans later captured the city as the Hasmonean kingdom expanded. In approsimately 22 BCE, Herod the Great Builder began to construct a modern Roman City complete with coliseum, deep sea harbor, markets, baths and temples which he named Caesarea in honor of Caesar Augustus. Yes, because Judea did not have a viable seaport to the Mediterranean Sea. That was corrected by the efforts of Herod.

What connection did Cleopatra have to the Old City of Caesarea in current-day Israel?

Cleopatra had no connection to the ancient city of Caesarea that is known. But remember there were several cities by that name. However, her daughter was married to Juba II of Mauritania and their capitol city was named Caesarea. The Caesarea in current day Israel was built by Herod the Great sometime between 25 and 13 BC. Its construction was started roughly five years after Cleo's death. So Cleopatra would have had no connection to that Caesarea, and it's unlikely that any of her sympathizers would be allowed to even live there, as Cleopatra and Herod were not exactly buddies. However, there was a former city callen Straton's Tower built by Straton I of Sidon on the site of Caesarea in Israel. After the agreement between Cleopatra and Marc Antony at Antioch, Cleopatra was given territories all along the eastern Mediterranean coast and this city was part of her new holdings. She was supposed to have made a tour of her new possessions upon leaving Marc Antony and could very well have stopped at the old city, before it was rebuilt and called Caesarea.

What city did Herod the Great build?

Herod the Great built Caesarea. A deep water port on the coast of Judea.

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What city was used for the roman government of Palestine?

Caesarea was used as the capital of Judea Province and Syria-Palaestina Province during the Roman Period. Jerusalem (named Aelia Capitolania by the Romans) did not have central governmental authority.

Where was Ancient Rome government located?

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What was the easternmost city in the Roman Empire?

There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.There were dozens of cities located in the eastern Roman empire, In order to get a specific answer, you have to be more specific about the city you need. Here are some cities to pick from, Constantinople, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Caesarea, Athens, and Alexandria.

What caused King Herod the Great to build the city of Caesarea?

Caesarea was probably built on the ruins of an earlier coastal city founded by Straton the First of Sidon. The Hasmoneans later captured the city as the Hasmonean kingdom expanded. In approsimately 22 BCE, Herod the Great Builder began to construct a modern Roman City complete with coliseum, deep sea harbor, markets, baths and temples which he named Caesarea in honor of Caesar Augustus. Yes, because Judea did not have a viable seaport to the Mediterranean Sea. That was corrected by the efforts of Herod.

What were the cities like in first century Palestine?

Apart from Jerusalem, most of the population of the cities in first century Palestine were gentiles. The Jews were concentrated in Jerusalem and in the villages and smaller towns of Judea and in the villages and smaller towns of Galilee. Caesarea was the second most important city and tended to be the seat of government for the Roman rulers. Space was at a premium and buildings were close together. Not all cities were walled, since the imperial power guaranteed safety, however the older cities, especially Jerusalem, were. Jerusalem was heavily fortified, as demonstrated by the four years it took the Roman army to enter it at the end of the First Roman-Jewish War. In fact, had it not been for the bloody civil war that took place within Jerusalem while the Romans beseiged the walls, the Romans could have taken even longer to enter the city. Much of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans at the end of the war.

Is the city of Damascus in Palestine?

No, it is in Syria. It is close to Palestine though.

A is land outside the city of Rome that was controlled by the Roman government?

xxx What is 'A'?

How many miles was it from Caesarea to Joppa from Acts 10?

Oh, dude, like, it's around 30 miles from Caesarea to Joppa in Acts 10. But, like, who's really counting, right? I mean, you could walk it, drive it, or even ride a donkey if you're feeling adventurous. It's all good, man.

What is the postal code of palestine city?

Palestine-Middle east 00970

In running their city officials of the Roman government faced problems with?

a shortage of workers

What connection did Cleopatra have to the Old City of Caesarea in current-day Israel?

Cleopatra had no connection to the ancient city of Caesarea that is known. But remember there were several cities by that name. However, her daughter was married to Juba II of Mauritania and their capitol city was named Caesarea. The Caesarea in current day Israel was built by Herod the Great sometime between 25 and 13 BC. Its construction was started roughly five years after Cleo's death. So Cleopatra would have had no connection to that Caesarea, and it's unlikely that any of her sympathizers would be allowed to even live there, as Cleopatra and Herod were not exactly buddies. However, there was a former city callen Straton's Tower built by Straton I of Sidon on the site of Caesarea in Israel. After the agreement between Cleopatra and Marc Antony at Antioch, Cleopatra was given territories all along the eastern Mediterranean coast and this city was part of her new holdings. She was supposed to have made a tour of her new possessions upon leaving Marc Antony and could very well have stopped at the old city, before it was rebuilt and called Caesarea.

What is mukhmas?

Mukhmas is a city in Palestine.